It's Time To T.O.S.S Your Mistake.

How many times have you made a mistake and felt bad about it? So bad, that you actually wished you never made it. Many times right? If we are human, we make mistakes, and unfortunately, some mistakes can be fatal, like in the health profession or the accidental death of a loved one, but the reality is, human beings make mistakes, whether we want to or not or whether we like it or not. It comes with the fallen world we live in. Mistakes are a part of life, but how we choose to deal with them, that’s the golden question. What is our attitude and posture when we make a mistake? Do we blame another or do we accept responsibility? Do we live in condemnation or do we chalk it up to experience? While some lessons are hard to learn. Believe it or not, mistakes can serve a greater good. How? Because it can bring about humility, making our hearts receptive to leaning on God and obeying His word.

A close friend of mine read that humility is likened to a hideous cloak on the outside but adorned with beauty on the inside. When she said it, it resonated with me. If the cloak of humility was indeed a flashy garment, one could have a hard time wearing such a beautiful and expensive garment while staying humble. Let’s be honest, how many times have you bought something and felt you looked so good that a sense of pride rose up inside you?  On the contrary, if the cloak’s beauty is hidden and not outwardly displayed then I can clearly see one staying humble with a hideous cloak. I honestly believe this is an excellent analogy of humility. We also have a perfect example of what humility looks like, Jesus, God incarnate, coming to earth, and what did he do? He washed feet, dined with commoners, and certainly did not live in a mansion. While his living conditions was less than grand but relatively common, we know He is the King of Kings, Isaiah 6:1  gives us a glimpse into the splendor of God, “I saw the Lord seated on His throne, He was clothed in glory and exalted high, and the train of His robe filled the temple.” This same God, in all his glory and splendor and power, came in the form of man and willingly gave his life as a ransom for us. He who was without sin, took on sin for us and hanged on a cross, allowing his own creation to mock him, scourge him, and crucify him. God did this for us? Couldn't this same God come in his glory and splendor here on earth? I believe He did.  How else could He have done such miracles? But to the physical eye, Christ was not adorned the way earthly Kings were, but all that encountered and experienced Him knew just how magnificent Christ is. 

As Christians, we should walk in humility every day. We should desire it and never despise it when we are brought low.  And let's be honest, mistakes can undoubtedly bring us low. The good news is, when we mess up or make a mistake, our attention should be fixed on the Creator and not on the mistake we created. We should have an attitude of humility, and humility does not mean feeling beaten or defeated. But instead, acknowledge God’s greatness and not rely on our own strength and our own wisdom to fix things. More than ever, we should lean on God for His wisdom, counsel and direction and obey Him at every word. What sense does it make to ask God to intervene if you are unwilling to obey Him? It’s like borrowing money from the bank and throwing it away. The interest and penalty you will pay for stupidity is too great. For God is the author and finisher of our faith, and there is no brokenness He cannot fix, no difficulty He cannot handle, and no mistake He cannot forgive.
So the next time you make a mistake, remember - T.O.S.S it to God. 


T - Turn from blaming others,
O - Own what you have done but don't live there. 
S - Say Sorry to all parties involved including repenting to God and forgiving yourself.
S - Stop allowing mistakes to determine and say who you are.  

1 Peter 5:7 reads “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” The word cast is synonymous with the word toss. 

Next time we'll discuss how mistakes can become a stronghold if we don't T.O.S.S. to God.



Written by: Cheryl Carty-Strachan
Copyright © 2022 Power of Worship Radio, All rights reserved.

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