Grace Revolution

Why is there so much controversy around grace? Why is the Church so afraid of this message? The Grace Revolution show brings you all the truth you need to know about the scandalous message of grace. Be prepared to have your religious feathers ruffled as Vernel Samuel unpacks the philosophy of grace through revelatory teaching, real-life testimonies and surprise interviews with some of the world's leading grace teachers.
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Chad Mansbridge On Grace Through The Bible
Friday, July 23, 2021
Meet Chad Mansbridge. He’s the founding pastor of Bayside in church located in Australia and is one of the most prolific gracists I’ve met. We discuss the centrality of Jesus and deepening your worldview of grace through reading the Bible. ...
Prayer Is Better Under Grace
Friday, May 28, 2021
In this week's episode of The Grace Revolution, Vernel Samuel discussess the simplicity of praying under grace and how no one who truly understands the grace message would look at prayer as something they won't want to do.
Dave Harvey On Releasing Grace Through The Testimony
Friday, April 30, 2021
Ryan Rufus On What To Do After The Revolution
Friday, April 9, 2021
This week on the Grace Revolution Podcast, Vernel interviews Ryan Rufus, founder of New Nature Ministries in Australia. Ryan is passionate about seeing churches around the world come into the Spirit covenant of grace. Through online resources, content...
Bertie Brits On Believing The Gospel
Friday, March 26, 2021
This week on the Grace Revolution Podcast, Vernel interviews Bertie Brits, a theologian, author and teacher of grace in South Africa. Prepare to be rocked again as you hear the message of God's good news that will make you fall in love with Jesus...
Rob Rufus On Transforming Cities & Culture
Friday, March 19, 2021
This week on the Grace Revolution Podcast, Vernel interviews Rob Rufus. Rob Rufus is the senior pastor of City Church International in Hong Kong, an independent, non-denominational church that Rob and his wife Glenda planted in 2004. God...
David Crabtree On Grace Is Much More Than Undeserved Favor
Friday, March 5, 2021
This week on the Grace Revolution Podcast, Vernel interviews David Crabtree, a pioneer of grace teaching from the nation of Australia. David's revelation of grace being "God's Empowering Presence" has changed Vernel's life personally and will surely...
Peter Barnes On The Controversy Of Hyper Grace
Friday, February 26, 2021
This week on the Grace Revolution Podcast, Apostle Peter Barnes rejoins Vernel to discuss the topic of the hyper-grace gospel. Many ministry & religious leaders have been popping up warning believers not to go too far into the depths of...
Grace & Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)
Friday, December 25, 2020
Spiritual warfare is a buzz word in most charismatic and evangelical Christian circles. But what exactly is it? Do we have to fight under grace? In this episode, Vernel tears down some popular myths about spiritual warfare and brings a fresh...
Grace & Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)
Friday, December 18, 2020
Spiritual warfare is a buzz word in most charismatic and evangelical Christian circles. But what exactly is it? Do we have to fight under grace? In this episode, Vernel tears down some popular myths about spiritual warfare and brings a fresh...
Spirit-Filled Business with with Dr. John Pace
Friday, November 20, 2020
This week on The Grace Revolution, meet Dr. John Pace, a Spirit-inspired communicator who is also a franchise business consultant & ministry leader. On this interview you will learn about... - How to get your gifts and genius into the...
Nathan Culver on Mastering Your Grace
Friday, November 13, 2020
This week on the Grace Revolution, Vernel interviews Dr Nathan Culver. Dr Culver is a business and wealth mastermind with a heart to position leaders for impact and influence. This episode includes The importance of developing a spirit of...
Election Special: Grace & Voting In A Two Party Political System
Thursday, November 5, 2020
This week on the Grace Revolution, Vernel discusses where do Christians fit on the political spectrum? Should we be on the left or right? Should we vote as Christians? Who should we vote for? Or is there an alternative path to take? Receive a...
Phil Drysdale on Christians Leaving Church & Deconstruction
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
This week on the Grace Revolution, Vernel is joined by Phil Drysdale. Phil helps people losing their faith find something new. He works with anyone from the dechurched, agnostic, atheist or LGBTQ! In this episode you’ll learn: Startling...
Blind Faith & Exploring New Truths with Kyle Butler
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
This week on the Grace Revolution, Vernel is joined by Kyle Butler. Kyle is a grace maverick, on a mission to reveal the unconditional love & unlimited grace of God to the world. Kyle is most known for his controversial posts on Facebook that...
Peter Barnes On Grace, Covid & The Future of Church
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Today’s episode is the first ever interview on the Grace Revolution. Peter Barnes is an apostle and trailblazer of the grace message in South Africa. In 2014, a church was planted out of his ministry, called New Direction Grace Church where 14...
How To Win The Fight Against Sin
Friday, October 2, 2020
In this mentor style episode, Vernel speaks to us about learning how to win the fight against sin. The insights Vernel shares in today’s episode has helped hundreds of people get set free from addictions, religious bondages and guilt from shameful...
Kanye & Grace
Thursday, September 24, 2020
’m pretty sure you are no stranger to the news of Kanye West and his spiritual conversion turned crusade for Christ. But everyone is not happy about it. In today’s episode, Vernel Samuel shares his thoughts on if Kanye West and his Sunday Service...
Understanding The Gospel of Grace Part 2
Friday, September 18, 2020
Today Vernel Samuel picks up where he left off in last week’s episode, unpacking the 6 main elements to understanding the gospel of grace which are: The Total Forgiveness of sin, The Gift of Righteousness, Freedom from the Law, The Gift of the...
Understanding The Gospel of Grace
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
This episode is the first of a two week breakdown on what the Grace message actually is. Vernel will share on the 6 key elements to understanding grace. You’re going to need a notepad or book to take notes with this one.
It’s Time To Reign In Life
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Aren’t you tired of struggling in life? The secret to reigning in life begins by receiving an abundance of grace & God’s gift of righteousness.
Introducing, The Grace Revolution!
Friday, August 7, 2020
Be prepared to have your religious feathers ruffled as Vernel Samuel unpacks the philosophy of grace through revelatory teaching, real-life testimonies and surprise interviews with some of the world's leading grace teachers.