20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 80)

Pastor Mike Winger

Friday, July 29, 2022 - 1 hour 58 minutes


CLICK HERE for my video about 6 different views of the end times.

What Romans 14 says about convictions and conscience: CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE for 3 videos that explain translations and manuscript issues related to the Bible.

CLICK HERE for my 4 hour debate on whether baptism is required for salvation.

What happens to those who never hear the Gospel? CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE for my 4 part teaching on homosexuality and the Bible.

What we got wrong about end times: CLICK HERE

What is the abomination of desolation? CLICK HERE

What the second coming will look like? CLICK HERE


0:00 - Intro

  1. 0:06 {What Will We Do With our Time in Heaven?} I've been feeling a little anxious about Heaven. What will we do with our time for eternity? Will we have actual bodies, or just be spirits?
  2. 21:44 {About Prophecy & Marriage in Heaven} How will Isaiah 54:1 be fulfilled if there is no marriage in heaven?
  3. 24:17 {About Following our Conscience} I Grew up in a KJVO (King James Version Only) Independent Fundamental Baptist church. I have thought about reading the NKJV, but my conscience feels like this is wrong. Does Romans 14 mean I must defer to my conscience in this situation?
  4. 33:38 {When did the New Cov. Begin?} Did the New Covenant officially begin at Jesus’ last supper, death, burial, and resurrection…or at His ascension (alluded to in John 20:17)?
  5. 40:42 {Does God Get Angry When We Sin?} Does God ever get angry with believers when we sin? If not, why did God get so angry with the Israelites when they sinned?
  6. 47:18 {Why are Tongues Only Prevalent in Some Denominations?} Why is speaking in tongues so common in specific church denominations, but virtually never happens in others? What does this say about other spiritual gifts?
  7. 52:07 {Did Jesus Come to Abolish the Law?} Does Ephesians 2:15 contradict Matthew 5:17? In Matthew, Jesus says that He did not come to abolish the law, but it looks like Paul in Ephesians says the opposite.
  8. 56:29 {About Gun Laws, Usage, & Violence} Which bible passages do you think should shape how we think about gun laws, gun violence, gun usage etc? Are there any passages that are misused in this debate?
  9. 1:05:50 {Did People Evangelize in the OT?} Why wasn’t evangelism a focus in the Old Covenant? How were Gentiles far away from Israel supposed to learn about Yahweh, and what opportunities for salvation did they have?
  10. 1:09:45 {Is “Inner Healing Prayer” Biblical?} Is “inner healing prayer” as a form of trauma relief biblical? This practice involves a prayer leader asking the patient to picture vivid images and hear direct statements from Jesus.
  11. 1:13:22 {Are Only Jesus’ Words Authoritative?} Can we only use Jesus' words and not the rest of the Bible? Does Jesus teach against homosexuality? My friend claims that he isn't against it and she doesn't consider Paul's letters authoritative.
  12. 1:18:52 {Can I Trust that my Faith is Sincere?} I sincerely believe Jesus is my Savior, but if my sincerity can’t be trusted (just like the rich young ruler’s), how can I truly 100% know that I actually do have a saving faith in Jesus Christ?
  13. 1:22:20 {About Eschatology/The Second Coming} In Matthew 24:42 Jesus warns believers to be ready for a second coming. Does this point to a partial rapture of only those actively practicing their faith, with others having to endure tribulation?
  14. 1:25:41 {Is it Wrong to Handle Ungodly Items?} I work in a warehouse handling every item imaginable. How should I handle satanic/"magic" items? Should I refuse to handle such things?
  15. 1:29:32 {About “Preferred Pronouns”} My niece wants to be male, but she was born female. She gets upset when she's not referred to her as male. I've been just avoiding any conversation at all with her, so as not to compromise. Any advice?
  16. 1:34:20 {About Spiritual Death} Can you explain spiritual death as referenced in passages such as Colossians 2:13, Ephesians 2 and 5:18, and what part it plays in the process of salvation?
  17. 1:37:02 {About Fossils, Evolution, & the Gap Theory} What are your thoughts regarding humanoid fossils which scientists claim are part our human evolution? Are they people from Noah’s time, offspring of angels, or part of the Gap Theory?
  18. 1:45:11 {What is the True Mission of the Church?} What is the mission of the Church? I have recently been told that it is worship and not evangelism. Therefore, we cannot worship fully without a diverse local church. I'm a bit confused!
  19. 1:50:21 {Examples of Faith-Driven Works} What counts as “works”? Since faith without works is dead, what are some examples of works that a woman can do? Please help!
  20. 1:52:27 {What Should Godly Dating Look Like?}

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